There is something about Lux. He's a thief and a liar; he is selfish and self-absorbed and hopelessly vain. But while he looks like Lana Turner and romances like a true Casanova, Lux is actually more like a bumbling, oblivious Mary Tyler Moore.
Amid shouting mobs, police shields, and the hurled bricks of the '80s Brixton riots, Lux is searching for Pearl-the love of his life. Her home has been burned down by a stray petrol bomb, and she's searching for sanctuary along with her friend Nicky. Nicky is traumatized after having killed her computer-her best friend-and is herself being followed by Happy Science PLC. It is their plan to breed a superior next generation by implanting the sperm of genius men inside beautiful women. She knows too much about the plan. Lux is helped in his quest by Kalia, a castaway of Heaven attempting to get back in God's good graces by performing one million good deeds over countless lifetimes. There's also a thrash metal band, a riot-party, past lives, and KY. Lots of KY.