Introduction 1
Part I: Understanding Depression and How It Develops 7
Chapter 1: Introducing Moods and Depression 9
Chapter 2: Introducing the Basic Principles of CBT 29
Part II: Putting What You Discover into Action 45
Chapter 3: Thinking about Thinking 47
Chapter 4: Changing Your Thinking to Change Your Life 61
Chapter 5: Facing Your Feelings to Tackle Depression 75
Chapter 6: Changing Your Attitudes to Combat Depression 97
Chapter 7: Raising Self-Esteem to Increase Your Motivation 113
Chapter 8: Developing Abilities that Challenge Depression 125
Chapter 9: Being Mindful, not Mind-full: Developing Your Awareness 143
Part III: Maintaining Momentum 155
Chapter 10: Discovering the New, Healthy You 157
Chapter 11: Reducing the Risk of Relapse 163
Part IV: The Part of Tens 169
Chapter 12: Ten Tips for Tackling Depression 171
Chapter 13: Ten Tips to Challenge Distorted Thinking 177
Appendix 183
Index 191