Microfinance and Sustainable Livelihoods : Exploring the Linkages - Abenet Yohannes Hailu


Microfinance and Sustainable Livelihoods

Exploring the Linkages

By: Abenet Yohannes Hailu, Dr. Abdi Ahmed, Esmail Mohamed

eBook | 16 January 2025

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Discover the transformative power of microfinance in this insightful exploration of sustainable livelihoods in pastoralist communities. "Microfinance and Sustainable Livelihoods: Exploring the Linkages" delves into how microfinance impacts human, financial, physical, social, and natural capitals, empowering marginalized communities to build resilience and overcome poverty.
Guided by the Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF), the book combines theoretical insights, empirical research, and real-life case studies to highlight the role of financial inclusion in creating lasting change. Written by experienced academics and researchers from Jigjiga University, this work is an invaluable resource for policymakers, development practitioners, academics, and students seeking to understand and implement effective microfinance solutions.
Perfect for readers passionate about development, social impact, and financial empowerment, this book offers actionable insights and a roadmap for achieving sustainable outcomes in vulnerable communities.

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