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Network Security Policies and Procedures - Douglas W. Frye


Network Security Policies and Procedures

By: Douglas W. Frye

eText | 6 April 2007

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Company network administrators are compelled today to aggressively pursue a robust network security regime. Network Security Policies and Procedures gives the reader a strong, multi-disciplinary understanding of how to pursue this goal. This professional volume introduces the technical issues surrounding security as well as how security policies are formulated at the executive level and communicated throughout the organization. Readers will gain a better understanding of how their colleagues on 'the other side of the fence' view an organization s security and will thus be better equipped to act in a way that forwards an organization s goals. Network Security Policies and Procedures is intended for both technical and management professionals interested in learning how security manifests itself throughout all levels of an organization. This book is also suitable for advanced-level students in computer science and electrical engineering.
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