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Parallel Computing Architectures and APIs : IoT Big Data Stream Processing - Vivek Kale


Parallel Computing Architectures and APIs

IoT Big Data Stream Processing

By: Vivek Kale

eText | 6 December 2019 | Edition Number 1

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Parallel Computing Architectures and APIs: IoT Big Data Stream Processing commences from the point high-performance uniprocessors were becoming increasingly complex, expensive, and power-hungry. A basic trade-off exists between the use of one or a small number of such complex processors, at one extreme, and a moderate to very large number of simpler processors, at the other. When combined with a high-bandwidth, interprocessor communication facility leads to significant simplification of the design process. However, two major roadblocks prevent the widespread adoption of such moderately to massively parallel architectures: the interprocessor communication bottleneck, and the difficulty and high cost of algorithm/software development.

One of the most important reasons for studying parallel computing architectures is to learn how to extract the best performance from parallel systems. Specifically, you must understand its architectures so that you will be able to exploit those architectures during programming via the standardized APIs.

This book would be useful for analysts, designers and developers of high-throughput computing systems essential for big data stream processing emanating from IoT-driven cyber-physical systems (CPS).

This pragmatic book:

  • Devolves uniprocessors in terms of a ladder of abstractions to ascertain (say) performance characteristics at a particular level of abstraction
  • Explains limitations of uniprocessor high performance because of Moore's Law
  • Introduces basics of processors, networks and distributed systems
  • Explains characteristics of parallel systems, parallel computing models and parallel algorithms
  • Explains the three primary categorical representatives of parallel computing architectures, namely, shared memory, message passing and stream processing
  • Introduces the three primary categorical representatives of parallel programming APIs, namely, OpenMP, MPI and CUDA
  • Provides an overview of Internet of Things (IoT), wireless sensor networks (WSN), sensor data processing, Big Data and stream processing
  • Provides introduction to 5G communications, Edge and Fog computing

Parallel Computing Architectures and APIs: IoT Big Data Stream Processing discusses stream processing that enables the gathering, processing and analysis of high-volume, heterogeneous, continuous Internet of Things (IoT) big data streams, to extract insights and actionable results in real time.Application domains requiring data stream management include military, homeland security, sensor networks, financial applications, network management, web site performance tracking, real-time credit card fraud detection, etc.

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