Are you a Pinocchio Parent?
You may be asking yourself these very questions: What lies, clichés, and half-truths do I tell my children? How do these lies hurt my children and my relationship with them? Clinical psychologist and author Chuck Borsellino claims that our culture condones all sorts of lies -- from "tiny fibs" to calloused misrepresentations. Though well-intentioned in our unintentional lies, we set our children up for failure and disappointment and undercut our credibility.
In the pages of this book, Dr. Chuck Borsellino helps you sort out fact from fiction, intention from outcome. Most important, you'll learn a better way -- a way to help your children live life within the bounds of reality while fully exploring the dreams of their heart.
Industry Reviews
"What you say to your children will greatly influence the way they view themselves and their world. In Pinocchio Parenting, Chuck Borsellino may help you discover that you are telling your children more lies than you realize -- and some of them may be whoppers!" Gary D. Chapman, PhD -- Best-Selling Author, The Five Love Languages