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Planning, Public Policy & Property Markets contends that effective state-market relations in land and property are critical to a prosperous economy and a robust democracy, especially at a time when development aims to be sustainable and environmental protection needs to be matched by urban and rural regeneration.
The book thus reflects an increased realisation among academics and practitioners of the importance of theoretical integration and ???joined-up??? policy-making. Its rounded perspective addresses a significant weakness in the academic literature and will encourage broader debate and a more pluralist agenda for property research.
Prominent contributors present important new research on different market sectors and policy arenas, including regeneration and renewal, housing growth, housing planning, transport and economic competitiveness, while the editors specifically draw out more general lessons on the dynamic nature of the state/property market relationship in a modern economy.
This book will encourage all those involved in property research who strive for theoretical and practical connectivity to demonstrate that, just as property market operations cannot be analysed without understanding state processes, policy decisions cannot be taken without an appreciation of how the market operates.
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ISBN: 9781405173049
ISBN-10: 1405173041
Published: 15th April 2008
Format: PDF
Language: English
Publisher: Wiley Global Research (STMS)
Edition Number: 1
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