From Cold War to international terrorism / Natividad Carpintero Santamaria -- Nuclear terrorism : an overview / Guillermo Velarde -- Prospects for cooperative threat reduction beyond the FSU / Greg Kaser -- Perspectives on international radiological trafficking / Roy A. Lindley, Joseph J. Adduci, Robert L. Johnson and Dave J. Lepoire -- Proliferation resistance features in nuclear reactor designs for small-power plants / B.A. Gabaraev and Yu.S. Cherepnin -- Integrated border management : R&D Activities at JRC / Veronique Berthou, Pascal Daures, Willem Janssens, Bent Pedersen, Paolo Peerani, Omer Cromboom, Jan Loeschner and Alois Sieber -- Individual protection against inhalation of long living radioactive dust due to an uncontrolled release / T. Streil, V. Oeser, R. Rambousky and F. W. Buchholz -- Contributions of legislative, regulatory and institutional infrastructures to sustaining national nuclear security regimes / Patricia A. Comella -- Identification, assessment and prevention of different environmental risk-factors impact, including radiation, on the population health / George Ormotsadze and Kiazo Nadareishvili -- Neutrinos, dark matter and nuclear detection / William H. Goldstein, Adam Bernstein, William W. Craig and Micah Johnson -- Detection of "dirty bombs" using nanosecond neutron analysis (NNA) technique / A. V. Evsenin, I. Yu. Gorshkov, V. A. Kalinin, A. V. Kuznetsov, O. I. Osetrov, D. N. Vakhtin and P. D. Yurmanov -- Ansi and IEC standards for, and evaluation of, radiation detection instrumentation / Peter J. Chiaro -- New devices for the detection and identification of radioactive sources / Luis Santiago Quindos Poncela, Carlos Sainz Fernandez, Ismael Fuente Merino, Jose Luis Arteche Garcia and Luis Quindos Lopez -- Perspectives of high pressure xenon gamma-ray spectrometers to detect and identify radioactive and fissile materials / V. V. Dmitrenko, S. E. Ulin, V. M. Grachev, K. F. Vlasik, Z. M. Uteshev, I. V. Chernysheva, K. V. Krivova and A. G. Dukhvalov -- Experimental model of the device for detection of nuclear materials by pulsed photoneutron technology / Alexander Bakalyarov, Maxim Karetnikov, Valentin Lebedev, Genrik Muradyan, Yuri Skorik, Nikolay Tupikin and Genrikh Yakovlev -- Radioecological monitoring to the south Caucasus' rivers as a tool for early warning system / Anna Nalbandyan and Armen Saghatelyan -- Calibration of a cloud rise model for a RDD scenario -- Application of a decision support system in nuclear and radiological emergency : opportunities and challenges / Wolfgang Raskob -- A 3D-Monte Carlo based dispersion model for an RDD or a nuclear terror scenario / Avi Sharon, Yakov Kutsher, Ilan Yaar, Shlomo Mark and J. R. Schwartz -- Challenges in responding to incidents involving the malevolent use of radiation / Carlos Rojas-Palma -- French emergency response in case of dirty bomb threat / Thierry Pelletier and Fr??d??ric Mariotte -- Psychological and social response to a nuclear terrorist event / Anthony J. Baratta -- Cleanup and site restoration strategy after a radiological terror attack / Friedrich Steinhaeusler -- Activity estimation of gamma-ray emitting sources without the preliminary knowledge on a shielding design. Simulation and experiment for NAI(TL) detector / Serguei Korneyev -- Assessment of radiological risks and possible ecological and economic damages from large-scale natural and man-induced catastrophes in ecology-hazard regions : catastrophes in ecology-hazard regions of Central Asia and the Caucasus / A. N. Valyaev, S. V. Kazakov, H. D. Passell, V. P. Solodukhin, V. A. Petrov, O. V. Stepanets, G. M. Aleksanyan, M. S. Chkhartishvili, D. I. Aitmatova, R. F. Mamedov and A. A. Magerramov -- Results of implementation of the state program "Radiation" in Georgia / N. Vepkhvadze and K. Gelashvili.