Principles and Practices of Assessment
A guide for assessors in the FE and skills sector
By: Ann Gravells
eText | 17 March 2021 | Edition Number 4
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This is a core text for anyone training to be (or working as) an assessor in the further education and skills sector. Whether you are a new or an experienced assessor, this book will guide you through the relevant principles and practices to enable you to become an assessor; improve your job role; and/or work towards a relevant assessment qualification.
The book takes you through all the information you need to know, opening up the topic for learning in a really accessible way. Interactive activities are included throughout, and real examples of assessment in practice are included. The book also includes examples of completed assessment documents. It is a comprehensive text, covering:
• principles of assessment
• planning for assessment
• types and methods of assessment
• assessment practice
• giving feedback
• recording progress and achievement
• quality assurance
• evaluation
The updated 4th edition includes new content on:
- the assessor coach role
- end-point assessment
- the role of technology in assessment and quality assurance
- online assessment
- theories, principles and models of reflection and evaluation
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ISBN: 9781529764703
ISBN-10: 152976470X
Series: Further Education and Skills
Published: 17th March 2021
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Ltd. (UK)
Edition Number: 4
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