"Principles of Computational Geometry" delves into the intersection of mathematics, algorithms, and computer science to solve geometric problems using computational methods. We cover a wide range of topics, from fundamental geometric concepts to advanced algorithmic techniques. Our book explores geometric data structures and algorithms designed to efficiently tackle issues like geometric modeling, spatial analysis, and geometric optimization.
We introduce readers to key concepts like convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, and Delaunay triangulations, which serve as building blocks for solving complex geometric problems. Additionally, we discuss techniques for geometric transformation, intersection detection, and geometric search, providing the tools needed to analyze and manipulate geometric data effectively.
Throughout the text, we highlight practical applications of computational geometry, ranging from computer graphics and image processing to robotics and geographic information systems. We also explore the theoretical underpinnings of computational geometry, offering insights into the mathematical foundations of algorithms and their computational complexity.
Overall, "Principles of Computational Geometry" serves as a comprehensive guide for students, researchers, and practitioners interested in leveraging computational methods to solve geometric problems efficiently and effectively. With its blend of theory and practical applications, our book offers a valuable resource for anyone exploring the rich and diverse field of computational geometry.