Reactions and Mechanisms in Thermal Analysis of Advanced Materials
By: Atul Tiwari, Baldev Raj
eText | 29 July 2015 | Edition Number 1
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Strong bonds form stronger materials. For this reason, the investigation on thermal degradation of materials is a significantly important area in research and development activities. The analysis of thermal stability can be used to assess the behavior of materials in the aggressive environmental conditions, which in turn provides valuable information about the service life span of the materiel.
Unlike other books published so far that have focused on either the fundamentals of thermal analysis or the degradation pattern of the materials, this book is specifically on the mechanism of degradation of materials.
The mechanism of rapturing of chemical bonds as a result of exposure to high-temperature environment is difficult to study and resulting mechanistic pathway hard to establish. Limited information is available on this subject in the published literatures and difficult to excavate.
Chapters in this book are contributed by the experts working on thermal degradation and analysis of the wide variety of advanced and traditional materials. Each chapter discusses the material, its possible application, behavior of chemical entities when exposed to high-temperature environment and mode and the mechanistic route of its decomposition. Such information is crucial while selecting the chemical ingredients during the synthesis or development of new materials technology.
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Preface xv
Part 1: Degradation of Polymers
1 Thermal Stability of Organic Monolayers Covalently Grafted on Silicon Surfaces 3
Florent Yang, Philippe Allongue, Francois Ozanam and Jean-Noel Chazalviel
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Alkyl-Grafted Surfaces 8
1.3 Alkoxy-Grafted Surfaces 15
1.4 Surfaces Grafted with Aryl Groups 19
1.5 Surfaces Grafted via Si-N Linkages 22
1.6 Summary 27
References 30
2 Thermal Analysis to Discriminate the Stability of Biomedical Ultrahigh-Molecular-Weight Polyethylenes Formulations 39
Maria Jose Martinez-Morlanes and Francisco Javier Medel
2.1 Introduction 39
2.2 Suitability of TGA Analysis for the Study of Stability of Medical Polyethylene 42
2.3 Activation Energies of Degradation Processes in the Thermal Decomposition of UHMWPE 56
References 58
3 Materials Obtained by Solid-State Thermal Decomposition of Coordination Compounds and Metal-Organic Coordination Polymers 63
Oana Carp
3.1 Introduction 63
3.2 Coordination Compounds and Metal-Organic Coordination Polymers as Precursors of Oxides 65
3.3 Coordination Compounds and Metal-Organic Coordination Polymers as Precursors of Sulfides 72
3.4 Coordination Compounds as Precursors of Composites 74
3.5 Coordination Compounds and Metal-Organic Coordination Polymers as Precursors of New Complexes 74
3.6 Coordination Compounds and Metal-Organic Coordination Polymers as Precursor of Metals 75
3.7 Coordination Compounds as Precursor of Nitrides 76
3.8 Other Materials 77
3.9 Conclusions 77
References 78
4 Methods for Limiting the Flammability of High-Density Polyethylene with Magnesium Hydroxide 85
Joanna Len?a, Maria Soza?ska and Henryk Rydarowski
4.1 Introduction 85
4.2 Experimental Part 88
4.3 Results and Discussion 91
4.4 Conclusions 99
References 100
5 Thermal Analysis in the Study of Polymer (Bio)-degradation 103
Joanna Rydz, Marta Musio? and Henryk Janeczek
5.1 Introduction 103
5.2 Differential Scanning Calorimetry 105
5.3 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis 112
5.4 Thermogravimetric Analysis 115
5.5 Conclusions 120
Acknowledgments 121
References 121
6 Thermal and Oxidative Degradation Behavior of Polymers and Nanocomposites 127
Gauri Ramasubramanian and Samy Madbouly
6.1 Introduction 127
6.2 Thermal Degradation 131
6.3 Chemical and Oxidative Degradation 137
6.4 Photo-oxidation 143
6.5 Environmental and Biological Degradation 148
6.6 Degradation of Polymer Nanocomposites 154
6.7 Conclusions 162
References 162
7 Thermal Degradation Effects on Polyurethanes and Their Nanocomposites 165
Ivan Navarro-Baena, Marina P. Arrieta, Alicia Mujica-Garcia, Valentina Sessini, Jose M. Kenny and Laura Peponi
7.1 Introduction 165
7.2 Main Techniques Used for Studying the Thermal Degradation Process 167
7.3 Degradation Mechanisms 169
7.4 Chemical Approaches Used to Improve the Thermal Stability of PU 171
7.5 Thermal Degradation of PU Based on Natural Sources 172
7.6 Nanocomposites 174
7.7 PU Electrospun Fibers 181
7.8 Conclusions 184
References 184
8 Controllable Thermal Degradation of Thermosetting Epoxy Resins 191
Zhonggang Wang
8.1 Introduction 191
8.2 Ester-, Carbamate-, and Carbonate-Linked Reworkable Epoxy Resins 193
8.3 Ether-Linked Reworkable Epoxy Resins 195
8.4 Phosphate- and Phosphite-Linked Reworkable Epoxy Resins 196
8.5 Sulfite-Linked Reworkable Epoxy Resins 204
References 207
9 Mechanism of Thermal Degradation of Vinylidene Chloride Barrier Polymers 209
Bob A. Howell
9.1 Introduction 209
9.2 Discussion 210
9.3 Conclusions 218
References 219
10 Role of Mass Spectrometry in the Elucidation of Thermal Degradation Mechanisms in Polymeric Materials 221
Paola Rizzarelli and Sabrina Carroccio
10.1 Introduction 221
10.2 Thermogravimetry-Mass Spectrometry (TG-MS) 224
10.3 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) 228
10.4 Direct Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry (DPMS) 237
10.5 Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (MALDI MS) 242
10.6 Other Mass Spectrometric Techniques 246
10.7 Conclusions 249
References 251
11 The Mechanism of Poly(styrene) Degradation 259
Bob A. Howell
11.1 Introduction 259
11.2 Discussion 260
11.3 Conclusions 266
References 266
12 The Use of Thermal Volatilization Analysis of Polylactic Acid and Its Blends with Starch 269
Derval dos Santos Rosa, Claudio Roberto Passatore, and Jose Ricardo Nunes de Macedo
12.1 Introduction 269
12.2 Use of TVA 271
12.3 TVA as an Analytic Technique 272
12.4 TVA-PLA Investigation 274
12.5 TVA - Thermoplastic Starch 276
12.6 Analyses of TVA - PLA and Their Mixtures with Thermoplastic Starch 280
12.7 Conclusions 282
Acknowledgments 282
References 282
Part 2: Degradation of Other Materials
13 Reaction Mechanisms in Thermal Analysis of Amazon Oilseeds 287
Orquidea Vasconcelos dos Santos, Carlos Emmerson and Suzana Caetano da Silva Lannes
13.1 Introduction 287
13.2 Oxidative Stability 297
References 299
14 Thermal Degradation of Cellulose and Cellulosic Substrates 301
Jenny Alongi and Giulio Malucelli
14.1 Introduction 301
14.2 Thermal and Thermo-oxidative Degradation of Cellulose 302
14.3 Factors Affecting Cellulose Thermal Degradation: Charring/Volatilisation Competition 318
14.4 Conclusions 329
References 330
15 Thermal Decomposition Behavior of Sodium Alkoxides of Relevance to Fast Reactor Technology 333
K. Chandran, M. Kamruddin, S. Anthonysamy and V. Ganesan
15.1 Introduction 333
15.2 Preparation of Sodium Alkoxides 334
15.3 Characterization of Sodium Alkoxides 339
15.4 Thermal Decomposition of Sodium Alkoxides 348
15.5 Kinetic Analysis 364
References 390
16 Thermal Degradation and Morphological Characteristics of Bone Products 393
F. Miculescu, A. Maidaniuc, G.E. Stan, M. Miculescu, S.I. Voicu, L.T.Ciocan
16.1 Introduction and Objectives 393
16.2 Short Overview on the Thermal Analysis Experimental Methods 396
16.3 Morpho-structural Changes Induced by the Thermal Treatments Applied to Hard Tissues. Bone Degradation Mechanism 400
16.4 Conclusions 408
References 408
17 Processes and Mechanisms in Hydrothermal Degradation of Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment 411
Yu Luling, He Wenzhi and Li Guangming
17.1 Introduction 411
17.2 Application of Hydrothermal Degradation in Treatment of WEEE 414
17.3 Mechanism of Hydrothermal Degradation for Treatment of WEEE 418
17.4 Conclusion 431
Acknowledgements 431
References 431
18 Heat Transfer Mechanism and Thermomechanical Analysis of Masonry Structures (Mortars and Bricks) Subjected to High Temperatures 437
M.E. Macia Torregrosa and J. Camacho Diez
18.1 Introduction: State of the Art 437
18.2 Heat Transfer Mechanisms through a Masonry Element under Load 442
18.3 Influence of High Temperatures on the Structural Behavior of a Masonry Element 444
18.4 Factors Involved in the Behavior of the Masonry Subjected to High Temperatures 444
18.5 Properties of the Ceramic Pieces 449
18.6 Properties of the Mortar 456
References 463
19 Application of Vibrational Spectroscopy to Elucidate Protein Conformational Changes Promoted by Thermal Treatment in Muscle-Based Food 467
A.M. Herrero, P. Carmona, F. Jimenez-Colmenero and C. Ruiz-Capillas
19.1 Introduction 467
19.2 Protein Structure 468
19.3 Muscle-Based Food Proteins: Thermal treatment 468
19.4 Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods and Protein Structure 469
19.5 Vibrational Spectroscopy to Elucidate Structural Changes Induced by Thermal Treatment in Muscle Foods 473
19.6 Conclusions 479
Acknowledgements 479
References 480
20 Thermal Activation of Layered Hydroxide-Based Catalysts 483
Milica Hadnadjev-Kostic, Tatjana Vulic and Radmila Marinkovic-Neducin
20.1 Introduction 483
20.2 LDH General Properties 484
20.3 Thermal Activation of LDH-Based Catalysts - Thermal Decomposition Pathway from LDH to Mixed Oxides 490
20.4 Properties of Thermally Activated LDHs 495
20.5 Application of LDH-Based Materials 501
20.6 Synthesis Methods of Ti-Containing LDH-Based Materials 502
20.7 Synthesis Methods for the Association of TiO2 and LDH-Based Catalysts 502
20.8 Conclusions and Perspectives 509
References 510
21 Thermal Decomposition of Natural Fibers: Kinetics and Degradation Mechanisms 515
Matheus Poletto, Heitor L. Ornaghi Junior and Ademir J. Zattera
21.1 Introduction 515
21.2 Theoretical Background 516
21.3 Chemical Composition of the Natural Fibers 522
21.4 XRD Analysis Applied to Natural Fibers 524
21.5 Thermogravimetric Analysis of Natural Fibers 527
21.6 Kinetic Degradation and Reaction Mechanisms in the Solid State of Natural Fibers 532
21.7 Conclusion 541
References 541
22 On the Kinetic Mechanism of Non-isothermal Degradation of Solids 547
Lyubomir T. Vlaev, Velyana G. Georgieva, and Mariana P. Tavlieva
22.1 Introduction 547
22.2 Mathematical Background in the Thermogravimetry 549
22.3 Kinetic Mechanism of the Thermal Degradation of CaC2O4?H2O 561
22.4 Kinetic Mechanism of the Thermal Degradation of Chitin 567
22.5 Kinetic Mechanism of the Thermal Degradation of Rice Husks 571
22.6 Conclusions 574
Acknowledgments 575
References 575
Index 579
ISBN: 9781119117704
ISBN-10: 1119117704
Series: Materials Degradation and Failure
Published: 29th July 2015
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Audience: Professional and Scholarly
Publisher: Wiley Global Research (STMS)
Country of Publication: US
Edition Number: 1
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