By: The Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, Pub. 1934, Reprinted 2019, soft cover, Vol. 2, (1681-1699): 252 pages, Index, E-BOOK, ISBN #978-1-63914-521-8. New Castle County was one the first three counties in Delaware and was created in 1676. It sits in the northern most portion of the state boarding Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. This book is a compilation of multiple types of courts such as: Court of Common Pleas and Court of Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court. In these minutes of pleas & quarters sessions you will find appointments of county officials, appointed administrators, marked public roads, granting of licenses to "ordinaries", taxes being levied, civil actions of a wide variety, persons being tried for offenses against the peace & dignity of the State, list of Jurys, guardian accounts of orphans, Wills, and countless numbers of Deed Acknowledgements.