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Space Flight Dynamics : Aerospace Series - Craig A. Kluever


Space Flight Dynamics

By: Craig A. Kluever

eText | 12 March 2018 | Edition Number 1

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Thorough coverage of space flight topics with self-contained chapters serving a variety of courses in orbital mechanics, spacecraft dynamics, and astronautics

This concise yet comprehensive book on space flight dynamics addresses all phases of a space mission: getting to space (launch trajectories), satellite motion in space (orbital motion, orbit transfers, attitude dynamics), and returning from space (entry flight mechanics). It focuses on orbital mechanics with emphasis on two-body motion, orbit determination, and orbital maneuvers with applications in Earth-centered missions and interplanetary missions.

Space Flight Dynamics presents wide-ranging information on a host of topics not always covered in competing books. It discusses relative motion, entry flight mechanics, low-thrust transfers, rocket propulsion fundamentals, attitude dynamics, and attitude control. The book is filled with illustrated concepts and real-world examples drawn from the space industry. Additionally, the book includes a “computational toolbox” composed of MATLAB M-files for performing space mission analysis.

Key features:

  • Provides practical, real-world examples illustrating key concepts throughout the book
  • Accompanied by a website containing MATLAB M-files for conducting space mission analysis
  • Presents numerous space flight topics absent in competing titles

Space Flight Dynamics is a welcome addition to the field, ideally suited for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students studying aerospace engineering.

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