Session I: Local Starbursts as Benchmarks for Galaxy, Evolution 1 Local Starbursts in a Cosmological Context, Starbursts in the Evolving Universe: A Local Perspective, Are there local analogs of Lyman break galaxies?, The disk Wolf-Rayet population of the nuclear starburst galaxy M83, Laser Illuminates Compact Galaxies, First Spectroscopic Results from the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey , Near-Infrared Super Star Clusters in Starburst and Luminous Infrared Galaxies, High-resolution imaging of the SSCs in NGC 1569 and NGC 1705, Massive Star Clusters, Feedback, and Superwinds, 30 Doradus ??? a Template for "Real Starbursts"? Session II: The Initial Mass Function in Starburst, Regions: Environmental Dependences? The Initial Mass Function in Starbursts, Dynamical models of star formation and the initial mass function, Red supergiants, mass segregation and M/L ratios in young star clusters, IMF Variation in M82 Super Star Clusters Session III: Starbursts as a Function of Wavelength Colourful starbursts, A Far-Ultraviolet View of Starburst Galaxies, Local Starbursts: Perspectives from the Optical, The starburst phenomenon from the optical/near-IR perspective, Dissecting starburst galaxies with infrared observations, What fraction of stars formed in infrared galaxies at high redshift?, SHADES: The Scuba HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey, Compact Extragalactic Star Formation: Peering Through the Dust at Centimeter Wavelengths, Dust attenuation and star formation in the nearby Universe, Theoretical Pan-Spectral Energy Distributions of Starburst Galaxies Session IV: Triggering and Quenching of Starbursts and the Effects of Galactic Interactions Merger-Induced Starbursts, Galaxy Collisions: Modeling Star Formation in Different Environments, Star and cluster formation in extreme environments, The Recurrent Nature of Central Starbursts, Efficiency of the dynamical mechanism, 2D kinematics and mass derivations in ULIRGs, Internal Kinematics of LCBGs, Fuelling starbursts and nuclear rings Session V: Star-Formation Rates in Relation to the Host Galaxy Properties Starburst Galaxy Demographics, Star-forming, recently star-forming, and "red and dead" galaxies at 1 < z < 2, Global Star-Formation Rates, Star Formation Efficiencies and Star Cluster Formation, Star Cluster Populations in Nearby Starburst Galaxies, Young Massive Clusters in Non-interacting Galaxies, Nascent starbursts in synchrotron-deficient galaxies, HST/STIS Spectroscopy of the Starburst Core of M82 Session VI: Starburst Tracers: Gas, Dust and Star Formation Starburst Galaxies: an Infrared Perspective, Dusty starbursts as a standard phase in galaxy evolution, Is the interstellar gas of starburst galaxies well mixed?, Star Clusters in M51: Connection between Molecular Gas, Stars and Dust Session VII: Starbursts at Intermediate Redshifts and the Starburst versus AGN Paradigm Starbursts in nearby radio galaxies, Starbursts in Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei, GALEX UltraViolet Spectroscopy of Luminous InfraRed Galaxies, A recent rebuilding of most spirals?, Evolution of the IR energy density and SFH up to z ~ 1: first results from MIPS Session VIII: Violent Star Formation and the Properties of Star-Forming Galaxies at High Redshift Starbursts from redshift z ~ 3 to 7???10, Understanding Infrared???Luminous Starbursts in Distant Galaxies, Starbursts in the Ultra Deep Field, Properties of Lya and Gamma Ray Burst-selected starbursts at high redshifts, High-z Galaxies in the FORS Deep Field, Star-Forming Galaxies at z ~ 2: Stellar and Dynamical Masses, New Metallicity Diagnostics for High-Redshift Star-Forming Galaxies, UV Luminosity Function at z ~ 4, 3, and 2, Massive galaxies at z = 2, K-luminous galaxies at z ~ 2, Resolved Molecular Gas Emission in a QSO host galaxy at z = 6.4 Session IX: Conference Summary Conference Summary: Starbursts and Galaxy Evolution Poster Contributions cd-rom Stellar and gas kinematics in the core and bar regions of M100, Metals in the neutral interstellar medium of starburst galaxies, Measuring sizes and compactnesses of young star clusters, The complex star-formation history of NGC 1569, Recent imaging results from SINGS, Galactic winds and transport of metals into the IGM in semi-analytic simulations, High-redshift galaxy evolution, Spitzer imagery of embedded ultra-young star clusters in M33, Starbursts in dwarf galaxies: A multi-wavelength case study of NGC 625, A multi-wavelength study of the starburst galaxy NGC 7673, Gamma-ray bursts in starburst galaxies, Magnetic fields and starbursts: from irregulars to mergers, Westerlund 1: A super star cluster in the Milky Way, Star formation in close pairs selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Evolution of the chemical properties of galactic systems in hierarchical universes, Search for z ~ 5 galaxies, An ultraviolet spectral library of metal-poor OB stars, A possible formation scenario for the heavy-weight young cluster W3 in NGC 7252, Integral-field spectroscopy and HST imaging of ULIRGs at low and high redshift:IRAS 16007+3743, Tracing star formation in the X-ray: From ULIRGs to dwarf starbursts, Clustering of simulated galaxies at redshift 4, Does size matter (in the SFRs)?, Star formation in intermediate-redshift cluster galaxies, New frontiers opened by Chandra in cosmological studies of galaxies, On the nature of the intermediate-redshift population of luminous compact blue galaxies, Constraints on Lyman continuumflux escaping from galaxies at z ~ 3 using VLT narrow-band photometry, Wide and deep survey of Lyman break galaxies at z ~ 5, On the importance of the few most massive stars: The ionizing cluster of NGC 588, Non-isothermal gravoturbulent fragmentation: Effects on the IMF, A study of the near-IR [Siii] lines in Hii galaxies, Star (cluster) formation in 3D: Integral-field spectroscopy at the VLT, A Lya emitter at z = 6.5 found with slitless spectroscopy, Neutral ISM surrounding starburst regions, The dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 1705: New Hii region element abundances and reddening variations near the center, The dwarf galaxy duty cycle: Measurements from a complete sample of the local volume, Optical and near-IR luminosity-metallicity relations of star-forming emission-line galaxies, Physical properties of low-luminosity high-redshift lensed galaxies, The luminosity-metallicity relation of distant luminous infrared galaxies, New tools for the tracing of ancient starbursts: Analysing globular cluster systems using Lick indices, The rest-frame FUV morphologies of star-forming galaxies at z ~ 4 and z ~ 1.5, Oxygen abundances, SFRs and dust of CFRS galaxies at intermediate redshift, NGC 604: The scaled OB association (SOBA) prototype. Spatial distribution of the different gas phases and attenuation by dust, Star-formation history of distant luminous infrared galaxies, Evolution of thermally conducting clouds embedded in a galactic wind, The dynamics of emission-line galaxies from new Fabry-Perot observations, Secular evolution of stellar bars, vertical instabilities and starbursts, Enhanced tidally-induced starbursts in cluster galaxies: Evidence for transformation of spirals to S0s by gravitational interactions associated with cluster virialisation, NGC 1569: A dwarf galaxy with a giant starburst, The unusual tidal dwarf galaxy in the merger system NGC 3227/6. Star formation in a tidal shock?, Blue compact galaxies in the Ultra Deep Field, Exploring galaxy evolution at high redshift, On the X-ray contribution from young supernovae in starbursts, ISO observations of Markarian 297, Chemical abundances in starburst galaxies: M82 and NGC 253, The temperature distribution of dense gas in starburst cores, The photometric structure of young blue compact dwarf (BCD) candidates, Luminous compact blue galaxies in the local Universe: A key reference for high redshift studies, Ionising stellar populations in circumnuclear star-forming regions, Mid-ultraviolet spectral templates for single-age, single-metallicity systems, Compact galaxies in the GOODS-N field, Optical and near-IR properties of submillimetre galaxies in the GOODS-N field, The X-ray number counts and luminosity function of galaxies, X-ray inferred bolometric star-formation rates of UV-selected galaxies at z ~ 2, Star-forming galaxies in a nearby group: Abell 634, Chemical evolution of late-type dwarf galaxies, The 2???850 ??m SED of star-forming galaxies, Star-formation histories of z = 0.25 galaxies from GALEX, Multi-wavelength star-formation indicators, High-resolution near-UV imaging of Seyfert galaxies, Integral-field spectroscopy in the IR: Gemini-CIRPASS observations and starformation history in the nucleus of M83, Extended tidal structure in two Lya-emitting starburst galaxies, Near-infrared properties of starbursts at z = 6, Are gamma-ray bursts good star-formation indicators?, Tracing the inner gas disks in starbursts and radio galaxies, Parametric relations of local Hii galaxies, Star formation in three nearby galaxy systems, Far-Ultraviolet imaging of the Hubble Deep Field North, What shuts off star formation? Post-burst galaxies from z = 0 to 1, The z ~ 1.5 Tully-Fisher relation, The dust in Lyman break galaxies, Implications for the formation of star clusters from extragalactic star-formation rates, Atomic carbon and CO at redshift 2.5, Revealing the complex structure of the M82 superwind, Modelling the Red Halos of Blue Compact Galaxies, The enigmatic Local Group starburst galaxy IC 10, Memorable Quotes, Author Index, Object Index