Section One: Present Situation of Stock Enhancement.
Chapter 1 Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching as an integrated part of Coastal Zone Management in Norway - Erlend Moksness.
Chapter 2 Marine Stock Enhancement in the USA: Status, Trends and Needs - Kenneth M Leber.
Chapter 3 Global Warming, aquaculture, and commercial fisheries - Richard J Beamish and Donald J Noakes.
Chapter 4 Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching in Developing Countries - Devin M Bartley, Abraham Born and Anton Immink.
Section Two: Seed Quality and Techniques for Effective Stocking.
Chapter 5 Why Juvenile Quality and Release Strategies are Important Factors for Success in Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching - Terje Sv??sand.
Chapter 6 Feats and Defeats in Flatfish Stocking: Determinants for Effective Stocking - Josianne G St??ttrup.
Chapter 7 Behavioural Approaches to Fish Stock Enhancement: A practical Review - Reiji Masuda.
Chapter 8 Lessons in Marine Fish Enhancement: Experiences with Pacific Salmon - C V W Mahnken, W T Farigrieve, F W Waknitz, D J Maynard, and H L Blankenship.
Chapter 9 Releasing Technique in Stipped Jack Marine Ranching: Pre-release Acclimation and Presence of Decoys to Improve Recapture Rates - Hiroshi Kuwada, Reihi Masuda, Takashi Kobayashi, Takayuki Kogane, Taeko Miyazaki, Keinosuke Imaizumi and Katsumi Tsukamoto.
Section Three: Health Management of Hatchery Stocks.
Chapter 10 Fish Health Management in Seed Production - Keiichi Mushiake and Kiyokuni Muroga.
Section Four: Methods for Evaluating Stocking Effectiveness.
Chapter 11 An Independent Scientific Evaluation of Washington State Salmonid Hatcheries - H Lee Blankenship and Michael A Kern.
Chapter 12 Experimental Ecological Tests with Stocked Marine Fish - John M Miller and Carl J Walters.
Chapter 13 Examining Genetic Effect Hypothoses of Hatchery Fish on Wild Populations - Shuichi Kitada and Hirohisa Kishino.
Chapter 14 Behaviour of Ongrown Juvenile Spiny Lobsters, Jasus edwardsii After Reseeding to a Coastal Reef in Tasmania, Australia - David J Mills, Caleb Gardner and Sam Ibbott.
Chapter 15 Juvenile Release and Market Size Recapture of the Swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus (Miers) Marked with Coded Wire Tags - Kazutoshi Okamoto.
Chapter 16 Evaluation of Stock Enhancement Programs for Masu Salmon in Hokkaido, Northern Japan, by Two-stage Sampling Surveys of Commercial Landings - Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, Mitsuhiro Nagata, Kei-ichi Sugiwaka and Shuichi Kitada.
Section Five: Population Management in Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching.
Chapter 17 Population Management in Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching -Ray Hilborn.
Section Six: Management of Stocked Populations.
Chapter 18 Management of Restocking and Stock Enhancement Programs: The Need for Different Approaches - Johann Bell.
Chapter 19 Regional Non-Profit Corporations ??? An Institutional Model for Stock Enhancement - William W Smoker.
Chapter 20 Management Options for Restocked Trochus Fisheries - Steven W Purcell .
Section Seven: Ecological Interactions with Wild Stocks.
Chapter 21 Evaluation of the Biological Interaction between Wild and Hatchery Population for Sustainable Fisheries Management of Pacific Salmon - Masahide Kaeriyama and Rizalita R Edpalina.
Chapter 22 Risk/Benefit Considerations for Marine Stock Enhancement: A Pacific Salmon Perspective - Robin S Waples and Jonathan Drake .
Chapter 23 Effects of Hatchery Releases and Environmental Variation on Wild-stock Productivity: Consequences for Sea Ranching of Pink Salmon in Prince William Sound, Alaska - Alex C Wertheimer, William R Heard and William W Smoker.
Section Eight: Genetic Management of Hatchery and Wild Stocks.
Chapter 24 Broodstock Management for Stock Enhancement Programs of Marine Fish with Assistance of DNA Marker (a Review) - Nobuhiko Taniguchi.
Chapter 25 Genetic Studies in Marine Stock Enhancement in Norway - Knut E J??rstad.
Chapter 26 Stock Structure and Effective Size of Red Drum (Sciaenops Ocellatus) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Implications Relative to Stock Enhancement and Recruitment - John R Gold.
Chapter 27 Natural Selection After Release from a Hatchery Leads to Domestication in Steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss - Reg Reisenbichler, Steve Rubin, Lisa Wetzel and Steve Phelps.
Section Nine: Socio-economics of Stock Enhancement.
Chapter 28 Averting Food Crisis in the 21st Century: The Role of Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching - I Chiu Liao .
Chapter 29 The Role of Stock Enhancement in the Management Framework for New Zealand???s Southern Scallop Fishery - Kim Drummond.
Section Ten: Case Studies.
Chapter 30 Enhancing the European Lobster (Homarus gammarus) Stock at Kvits??y Islands: Perspectives of Rebuilding Norwegian Stocks - A L Agnalt, K E J??rstad, T Kristiansen, E N??stvold, E Farestveit, H N??ss, O I Paulsen and T Sv??sand.
Chapter 31 The Decline of Global Abalone (Geneus Haliotis) Production in the Late Twentieth Century: Is There a Future? - Jeremy D Prince.
Chapter 32 An Approach to Evaluating the Potential for Stock Enhancement of Brown Tiger Prawns (Penaeus Esculentus Haswell) in Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia - Neil R Loneeragan, Peter J Crocos, Roger Barnard, Richard Mcculloch, James W Penn, Robert D Ward and Peter C Rothlisberg.
Chapter 33 Stock Enhancement of the Short-spined Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius in Hokkaido, Japan - Yuichi Sakai, Ken-Ichiro Tajima and Yukio Agatsuma.
Chapter 34 Enhancement of Pacific Threadfin (Polydactylus Sexfilis) in Hawaii: Interactions between Aquaculture and Fisheries - David A Ziemann.
Chapter 35 Stock Enhancement of Barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch) in a Coastal River System in Northern Australia: Stocking Strategies, Survival and Cost-benefits - D J Russell, M A Rimmer, A J McDougall, S E Kistle and W L Johnston.
Chapter 36 Stocking Effectiveness of Black Rockfish Sebastes schlegeli Released in Yamada Bay Evaluated by a Fish Market Census - Masahiro Nakagawa, Hiroyuki Okouchi and Junichi Adachi .
Section Eleven: Posters.
Chapter 37 A Behavioural Character During the Metamorphosing Stage Can Predict the Growth Performance of Juvenile Stage in Japanese Flounder - Yoshitaka Sakakura, Katsumi Tsukamoto and Atsushi Hagiwara.
Chapter 38 Recapture Rates of Released Hatchlings of Giant Cuttlefish Sepia Latimantus Quoy and Gaimard - Masakazu Oka, Takashi Yamashita, Shin-Ichi Osumi and Katsuyuki Hamasaki.
Chapter 39 Development of a Nursery Reef for Released Juvenile Redspotted Grouper, Epinephelus akaara - Shigenobu Okumura, Seiichi Tsumura and Keigo Maruyama.
Chapter 40 Release Strategies in Scallop (Pecten maximus) Sea Ranching Vulnerable to Crab Predation - O Strand, E S Grefsrud, G A Haugum, G Bakke, E Helland, T Helland