Surface Well Control: Equipment is an educational work from well-renowned drilling expert Dr. Hussain Rabia. Based on decades of experience in the oil industry - as a drilling engineer, drilling manager, consultant and trainer - Dr. Rabia provides a detailed description of everything related to blowout preventors and accesories, including: safety valves, hydraulic closing units, chokes and choke manifold.
This publication is written in a comprehensible language, including detailed descriptions and visuals of well control operations and equipment. The mathematics is elucidated in detail - including derivation. Numerous examples and exercises are included in the book, including internationally-certified examination questions.
Volume Three covers well control equipment. Chapters nineteen to twenty-four give detailed description and the appropriate use of surface well control equipment. In particular, details of BOPs, hydraulic closing units, safety valves, BOP testing tools, chokes and gate valves, flanges, gaskets and mud gas separators are given. Chapter twenty-five gives details of how to test the BOPs and associated well control equipment. Chapter twenty-six is the final chapter and gives details of inflow testing and the criteria for accepting or rejecting the results of an inflow test.