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The 1912 and 1915 Gustav Stickley Craftsman Furniture Catalogs - Gustav Stickley


The 1912 and 1915 Gustav Stickley Craftsman Furniture Catalogs

By: Gustav Stickley

eText | 28 August 2012 | Edition Number 1

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Studying, exhibiting, and collecting Gustave Stickley's austere, functional designs for furniture and other home furnishing continue to be major pursuits of scholars, curators, dealers, and collectors in the decorative field. This volume brings back into print two original Craftsmen catalogs illustrating and describing a broad range of Stickley's furniture designs, complete with the original captions citing materials, dimensions, and prices.
Among the furniture shown are armchairs, rockers, stools, settees, desks, beds, music cabinets, drop-leaf tables, nests of tables, chests of drawers, sideboards, china cabinets and dressers. The other items offered in the catalogs include wicker baskets, fabrics, pottery, lamps, china, silverware, and glass.
With over 200 detailed illustrations and descriptions, these two catalogs, first published in 1912 and ca. 1915, are essential reference materials and identification guides for Stickley furniture. In addition, they offer social historians and students of Americana documentation of the new design trend and philosophy that swept America in the early years of the twentieth century, creating a bold break with the past and setting new directions in modern design.

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