The amazing health benefits of chocolate revealed in a bite size treat...
HOW tO EAt CHOCOLAtE & FEEL GREAt ABOUt Itthe amazing health benefits of chocolate revealed in a bite-size treat ...When chocolate is regularly named as the baddie in the battle of the bulge, it is easy to feel guilty when we consume the world's favourite indulgence. Yet that exquisitely pleasurable blend of bitter and sweet notes is deceptive - it's not unhealthy. In fact, eating chocolate can actually help us lose weight. this breakthrough revelation for chocoholics everywhere is explored by respected Australian scientists Dr John Ashton and Dr Lily Stojanovska. In the Chocolate Diet, they explain how we can incorporate chocolate into our daily lives and profit from its unique health properties. Full of facts, tips and mouth-watering recipes, this is essential reading for anyone who can't say no ...