The Educators' Guide to Whole-school Wellbeing
A Practical Guide to Getting Started, Best-practice Process and Effective Implementation
By: Denise M. Quinlan, Lucy C. Hone
eText | 20 February 2020 | Edition Number 1
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The Educators' Guide to Building Whole-school Wellbeing addresses challenges faced by schools wanting to improve wellbeing. While many schools globally now understand the need to promote and protect student wellbeing, they often find themselves stuck - not knowing where to start, what to prioritise, or how to implement whole-school change. This book fills that gap.
This book provides companionships for schools through rich stories from schools around the world who have created wellbeing practices that work for their schools. It guides educators through processes that help create individualised, contextualised, school wellbeing plans. With chapters addressing 'why wellbeing', what is 'whole school', change dynamics, measurement, staff wellbeing, coaching, cultural responsiveness, and how to build buy-in, it is the first of its kind. Balancing research and practice for each topic, with expert practitioner and researcher insights, this book gives schools access to best-practice guidance from around the world, in a user-friendly format, designed for busy schools.
What sets the author's apart from the many school wellbeing practitioners globally, is their substantial experience working alongside diverse school groups. While many have experience in one school, few work across a multitude of very different schools and clusters, giving these practising-academics a unique appreciation for effective, cross-context processes.
About the Authors
Denise M. Quinlan was ‘present at the birth of Positive Education’, training Australian and UK educators with the University of Pennsylvania team. Published academic researcher and creator of a validated student strengths programme, she lectures globally on wellbeing, and hosts Bringing Wellbeing To Life, a popular podcast on wellbeing topics.
Lucy C. Hone is a published academic researcher, International Positive Education Network Global Rep, a best-selling author and contributor to Psychology Today. Trained by thought-leaders in the field at the University of Pennsylvania, she works with a diverse range of schools helping them understand and build wellbeing and resilience.
This book provides companionships for schools through rich stories from schools around the world who have created wellbeing practices that work for their schools. It guides educators through processes that help create individualised, contextualised, school wellbeing plans. With chapters addressing 'why wellbeing', what is 'whole school', change dynamics, measurement, staff wellbeing, coaching, cultural responsiveness, and how to build buy-in, it is the first of its kind. Balancing research and practice for each topic, with expert practitioner and researcher insights, this book gives schools access to best-practice guidance from around the world, in a user-friendly format, designed for busy schools.
What sets the author's apart from the many school wellbeing practitioners globally, is their substantial experience working alongside diverse school groups. While many have experience in one school, few work across a multitude of very different schools and clusters, giving these practising-academics a unique appreciation for effective, cross-context processes.
About the Authors
Denise M. Quinlan was ‘present at the birth of Positive Education’, training Australian and UK educators with the University of Pennsylvania team. Published academic researcher and creator of a validated student strengths programme, she lectures globally on wellbeing, and hosts Bringing Wellbeing To Life, a popular podcast on wellbeing topics.
Lucy C. Hone is a published academic researcher, International Positive Education Network Global Rep, a best-selling author and contributor to Psychology Today. Trained by thought-leaders in the field at the University of Pennsylvania, she works with a diverse range of schools helping them understand and build wellbeing and resilience.
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ISBN: 9781000032857
ISBN-10: 100003285X
Published: 20th February 2020
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Edition Number: 1