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The Excellent Persuader - Steve J. Havemann


The Excellent Persuader

By: Steve J. Havemann

eText | 17 September 2013

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According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, one in nine Americans works in sales, meaning that each day more than fifteen million people earn their keep by persuading someone else to make a purchase.

The Excellent Persuader has the unique ability to reach sales professionals, sales managers, and organizational leaders at every level. All sales professionals, whether entry-level, veteran, or manager, will be guided through the ART of how to become an excellent persuader by utilizing the techniques and specific strategies outlined in this resource. Through the use of sales, human resource development, management, and leadership techniques, The Excellent Persuader provides the tools in a reader-friendly manner to alter the paradigm through which struggling, average, above average, or overeager sales professionals approach their professions. Concerns voiced by sales leaders are addressed throughout, as well as specific techniques to educate, re-frame, or re-invent individuals' approaches to sales.
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Published: 17th September 2013

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