The book answers any and all questions concerning the Trinity, backed and verified by biblical answers.
For centuries, scholars and theologians have attempted to bring clarity to the Trinity. The doctrine used by most churches today was formulated by the Nicene Council of 325AD. However, the proclamation from that council was deemed a mystery soon after its release. Many changes have occurred in those 1700 years since Nicaea. The advancement in technology has grown at an expediential rate in almost every venue on the globe, including all areas of Scriptures.
After receiving a revelation in 1999, the author of The Mystery of the Trinity Revealed, T.R. Bosse, engaged in seventeen years of research to ensure every question concerning the topic was entirely resolved. The doctrine of the Trinity is a primary source of disparity among world religions. Since no one ever provided practical answers, the Trinity became better known as a mystery.. However, the reason no one ever supplied realistic solutions was—they were never available until now.
The author unravels the once unsolvable mystery through Scripture verifications and research within the health field. It is overwhelming to consider the assortment of details one drop of a blood sample can reveal about a person’s life. We find that when we integrate specific health data with Scripture, it delivers invaluable insight into Trinity’s shrouded image. Although thousands of Bible students have attempted to find answers over the years, the actual knowledge was non-existing and, therefore, unknown to the early churches.
Secularists and even many Christians believe you only learn something of this magnitude in seminary or Bible College. If that were so, they would have taught this years ago. However, the Bible tells us we can only receive it through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
The book is structured to take you on a step-by-step adventure into the vast empire of who God is with respect to His complete Godhead. Everything unfolds chronological, giving the reader a greater understanding in an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand layman’s format.
The author, T.R. Bosse, draws upon 40 plus years of dedicated Bible scrutiny and a revelation, which prompted researching the topic. The book shows that the only way we can realize the Trinity is through the viewpoint of life. Because the Trinity and life are synonymous, it affects every man, woman, and child on the planet.
A must read book for the Christian and a wake-up call for the rest of society.