99% of Your Problems are in Your Head Your subconscious has been following a self-fulfilling prophecy since childhood. Discover what's written in your prophecy and how to effortlessly turn it around. Better prophecy, better life. I. The Cellar, the Child, the Monsters, and the Hero With the model of the inner child, your subconscious becomes your strongest ally. Together, you can achieve any goal. II. The Lexicon of Spells Here you'll find the affirmations you truly need-affirmations that actually work. Everything is ready and waiting for you. Understand how others 'tick'-read it in black and white. III. A View Beyond Your Biology and Programming Perception, transformation, and unconditional love-this is who you are. Write your own prophecy, redefine who you are, and create the life you desire!
I am Gabriela Herold. I studied German Studies, English Studies, Education, and also Developmental Psychology. I hold two state examinations and worked as a secondary school teacher from 2013 to 2024, engaging with children, teenagers, and parents. In 2020, I became a mother myself. In 2024, I finally manifested my dream job: becoming a full-time martial arts instructor for children. This was made possible through the principles and insights I share in this book. I am not a psychologist, though. I have meticulously researched what works and I apply it. I use the magic of language every day. It really exists, and it can be explained psychologically. In psychology, the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy has been known since 1911. However, very few people are aware of the (negative!) self-fulfilling prophecies they live by and that they have a choice. You can decide what is written in your prophecy and what becomes true: 'Money is not important,' or 'My needs are important, so money is important.' 'Admirable people love others more than me,' or 'I choose people who recognize my worth.' I simply replaced my self-fulfilling prophecies in all areas of life. And that's no secret formula.