Understanding Neuroplasticity and Neurodiversity in the Classroom : A Handbook for SENCos and Teachers - Dr. Anita Devi


Understanding Neuroplasticity and Neurodiversity in the Classroom

A Handbook for SENCos and Teachers

By: Dr. Anita Devi (Editor), Sue Jagger (Editor)

eBook | 6 January 2025

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A unique and innovative book for all teachers and SENCos that explores the intersection of neurodiversity and neuroplasticity in order to provide better outcomes for neurodivergent pupils.

Neurodiversity involves an understanding that neurological differences should be honoured and respected. It is a strengths-based model based on the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways, advocating that there is no single right way of thinking, learning, and behaving. In effect, neurodiversity can be used as a construct to understand those 'labelled' with a special educational need and disability. Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt in response to experiences, especially important for children who struggle to learn.

This book unravels how teachers can contribute to rewiring neural pathways to reshape as opposed to 'fix', demonstrating how making new connections in the brain enables pupils to realise their full potential. Rich with research, case studies, and thought-provoking questions, this book sheds light on an innovative and timely topic.

As the demand for teacher support in this area grows, it helps practitioners identify alternative approaches for those who might need more personalised learning and teaching in the classroom.

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