How to effortlessly magnet women and become the man, every woman needs to penetrate her.....
By: John Abua
eBook | 20 December 2022
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So you're experiencing difficulty with the women.
Indeed, dread not, old buddy. Help is coming.
Presently, there are a few likely purposes behind your stretch of compulsory chastity.
To start with, and maybe undoubtedly, you've acknowledged the conviction that if by some stroke of good luck you were sufficiently pleasant and could show ladies what an incredible person you are, they'd be all over you. All in all, you're a particularly decent person! What lady couldn't need you?
Second, maybe you're an incredible hot monster and find ladies looking at you yet it appears to be that when you open your mouth ladies appear to lose interest.
The third and normal chance is that you've concentrated on pickup procedures and comprehend how it ought to all function in principle, yet you are apparently missing something. You really can't get to the center of female fascination. You're feeling the loss of the essentials that make ladies go powerless at the knees and, well... open their legs.
Fourth, maybe you get it on fine and dandy with the women however you wind up battling to make anything happen to it. Everything goes perfectly... and afterward out of nowhere you feel like you've hit a roof. You really can't (or you don't have any idea how to) progress the whole way to the room.
Assuming that any of these conceivable outcomes sound somewhat like you, you'll be satisfied to
Realize that this book is separated into two firmly interconnected parts: Part I will transform you into the sort of fellow that ladies are naturally designed to open their legs for. (Here's a clue: It's not being "the most pleasant person ever." A long way from it... )
Part II will transform you into a neo-Casanova, making close substantial sexual pressure with mind blowing being a tease and truly raising your direction to the room.
Set forth plainly, To some extent I you'll turn into the sort of fellow she opens her legs for, and afterward To some degree II you'll gain proficiency with the particulars of how to open her legs.
So moving along, we should make a plunge and transform you into a womanslayer. The James Obligation of James Bonds. Sans the 007 status. Maybe... 0069?
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ISBN: 1230006004972
Published: 20th December 2022
Format: ePUB
Language: English
Publisher: Larrah Bazelon