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Wind Farm Noise : Measurement, Assessment, and Control - Colin Hansen

Wind Farm Noise

Measurement, Assessment, and Control

By: Colin Hansen

eText | 31 January 2017 | Edition Number 1

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A comprehensive guide to wind farm noise prediction, measurement, assessment, control and effects on people

Wind Farm Noise covers all aspects associated with the generation, measurement, propagation, regulation and adverse health effects of noise produced by large horizontal-axis wind turbines of the type used in wind farms.

The book begins with a brief history of wind turbine development and the regulation of their noise at sensitive receivers. Also included is an introductory chapter on the fundamentals of acoustics relevant to wind turbine noise so that readers are well prepared for understanding later chapters on noise measurements, noise generation mechanisms, noise propagation modelling and the assessment of the noise at surrounding residences.

Key features:

  • Potential adverse health effects of wind farm noise are discussed in an objective way.
  • Means for calculating the noise at residences due to a wind farm prior to construction are covered in detail along with uncertainty estimates.
  • The effects of meteorological conditions and other influences, such as obstacles, ground cover and atmospheric absorption, on noise levels at residences are explained.
  • Quantities that should be measured as well as how to best measure them in order to properly characterise wind farm noise are discussed in detail.
  • Noise generation mechanisms and possible means for their control are discussed as well as aspects of wind farm noise that still require further research to be properly understood.

The book provides comprehensive coverage of the topic, containing both introductory and advanced level material.

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