You Don't Think As Smart As You Are : What if Gerber got it wrong... Or Covey was holding back? - John Vamos

You Don't Think As Smart As You Are

What if Gerber got it wrong... Or Covey was holding back?

By: John Vamos

eBook | 8 November 2022

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It is now over 20 years since these ideas were presented as thoughts, as a kind of hypothesis by author John Vamos.

Over the last two decades John has enjoyed seeing the emerging neuroscientific evidence that has allayed his early concerns. Concerns along these lines; "I think I am right, I have seen the empirical evidence, but there is not a lot of science in here". Well now there is plenty of science.

???Michael Gerber champions the notion of spending 10% of your time ON rather than IN your business. Here John explain why that cannot be done. You are you. And you take you wherever you go. In fact, wherever you go... there you are.

??Stephen Covey championed the Seven Habits. They are unassailable and correct. But they are not habits, they are characteristics. The habit loop has been since closed by James Clear and his breakthrough book Atomic Habits.

In James Clear's Book we finally discover the tools to overcome the underlying obstacles that prevent you from behaving in a way that allows you to demonstrate your potential. To think smarter.

Because, after all, You Don't Think as Smart as You Are.

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