Any kind of academic study takes dedication and hard work. No matter the level of qualification or field of knowledge, there are always new mountains of information to digest, skills to learn, and new vocabulary and jargon to master.
Our selection of skill books can help students and learners in all fields help to organise their notes, stay on task, get more out of their readings, think more critically, write more persuasively, and power their way through exams and certifications.
As you peruse our higher education and vocational textbooks, be sure to also explore this selection of skill books to help support your learning.
Popular skill books
The Night Before Essay Planner is a great tool for anyone who needs to write essays as part of their coursework. It will help you plan, research and writer your essay, with plenty of tips and tricks to get the work done, even if you’re doing it all at the last minute.
Similarly, any courses that require writing of any kind will require writing skills. For many students, writing itself can be more of a challenge than the actual field of study. The Little Red Writing Book is a popular guide in this scenario, as it covers technique, style, and craft for anyone who writes. It includes paragraph design, structure and planning, with plenty of examples to help students improve all areas of their writing skills.
The Study Skills Handbook can be useful for any student, or anyone looking to learn something new. It acknowledges that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to study, but helps you to tailor your learning to your own needs. It covers writing skills, managing skills, reflective learning, using visuals to support your studies, and more.
Research projects are common in tertiary study, but they can feel daunting. The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project is a must-have for students facing such regular projects. It covers how to complete each stage of a research project, from choosing the design and methodology to collecting and analysing data.
Be sure to explore our bestselling skill books to see what other students are using.