Order any book featured in Booktoberfest to go in the draw.
The winner will receive one Booktopia gift voucher per month over 12 months, for a year of books like no other!*
Ts & Cs apply. Shop to enter. One entry per order, where the order contains a product featured in Booktoberfest. Excludes: eBooks, digital audiobooks, magazine subscriptions and gift certificates. Multiple entries permitted. Competition starts Friday 29 September and ends 11.59pm, AEDT 31 October, 2023. Open to Australian residents. The winner will receive one (1) Booktopia gift voucher per month over a 12 month period. The total value of the vouchers will be $1,000.
Explore Booktoberfest™ and discover the most exciting new and upcoming books! From the latest bestseller by beloved author Trent Dalton, Lola in the Mirror, to the new inspiring read from Julia Baird, the award-winning author of Phosphorescence, and so many more.
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