Elevate your reading experience with Kobo eReaders, offering innovative features such as stylus compatibility and page-turn buttons, perfect for reading on the go. Kobo eReaders offer numerous benefits for avid readers, making it easier than ever to indulge in your favourite books. They provide unparalleled convenience, enable you to carry a vast library in a compact device, make travelling easier, offer affordability, and save space in your home. So, if you’re looking for a more flexible and efficient way to enjoy your favourite books, consider giving a Kobo eReader a try. Check out our top five benefits to reading on a Kobo eReader here. Not sure which one to choose? We have an article to help you choose the right eReader here.
Read in the sun with no reflection, thanks to a glare-free E Ink touchscreen.
Read for weeks on a single battery charge.
Carry thousands of eBooks with 16 to 32GB of storage.
Borrow from the library using Overdrive* or subscribe to Kobo Plus for all-you-can-read eBooks.
*Selected eReaders
Read in the bath or by the pool with select waterproof eReaders.
Make handwritten notes with a Kobo Stylus (compatible with Kobo Sage, Kobo Elipsa 2E and Kobo Libra Colour).
Listen to Kobo Audiobooks with Bluetooth wireless technology.*
Read late into the night with ComfortLight PRO.
By: Kobo (Created by)
Introducing our most inspiring eReader yet: the new Kobo Libra Colour. Bring magic to your margins by annotating your pages, organizing your thoughts, and highlighting inspiring lines, all in colour. With Kobo Stylus 2 compatibility, you can dive deeper into your favourite stories by marking up meaningful moments and highlighting powerful passages in the eBooks you love.
By: Kobo (Created by)
Experience true comfort with the 6" E Ink Kaleido™ 3 display’s soothing colour palette. No glare in sunlight, no social media distractions—just you and your book in full-colour bliss. Let colour bring added depth to your browsing, bookshelves, and reading experience... Read More
By: Kobo
Designed to inspire you with every read, with every feature Kobo offers in one sleek package, plus Bluetooth wireless technology so you can listen to Kobo Audiobooks. The luxurious 8" HD flush E Ink Carta 1200 touchscreen delivers superior performance and depth of contrast, with zero glare... Read More
By: Kobo
Made for big thinkers and bundled with Kobo Stylus 2, the newly upgraded Kobo Elipsa 2E is designed to help you focus and organize your thoughts. Write directly on eBooks and PDFs* with Kobo Elipsa 2E’s improved note-taking experience. Create and organize notebooks that do more than paper... Read More