Economics books offer a wealth of information on all things related to money, goods and services. They explore economic systems, business models, financial advice, trade unions, and so much more.
Here on Booktopia, you can explore thousands of economics and finance books, whether you’re looking for an interesting casual read or a thick textbook designed for students and professionals.
H2: Finance books
One of the biggest changemakers in economics in recent times has been bitcoin, which is why many have scrambled to learn about this new form of central banking. The Bitcoin Standard is an excellent introduction into this system, providing a history of the rise of bitcoin, an explanation of how it grew so quickly, and its modern implications.
The New Tao of Warren Buffet is another interesting take on finance. This release looks at the economy and how investing has changed in recent times. It does so through a collection of Warren Buffet’s most memorable sayings, and shares how his wisdom and sheer common sense made him one of the richest people on the planet.
H2: Business management books
Business management is constantly evolving, and books can help leaders and managers stay on top of the game.
Green Management is a modern management book that discusses how the world’s attention to environmental changes and policies is shifting the way we do business. It explores green supply chain management, green technology, green marketing, and many more eco-friendly areas of the industry.
Another release that could be a useful guide for business managers is Lean Analytics. This book offers insights into validating business ideas, finding customers, deciding what to build, monetising a business, and more, all with a data-driven mindset.
H2: Best-selling economics books
Not sure where to start when looking for your next economics book? Try sorting by ‘bestsellers’.
Here you’ll find classics like Think and Grow Rich, known as ‘the grandaddy of all motivational literature’. It draws on the stories of some of the world’s richest businesspeople to illustrate principles around getting richer.
Factfulness is another interesting read, and has become an international bestseller with endorsements from Barack Obama, Bill and Melinda Gates, and other big names. The premise of the book is to offer facts about the world, and to remind people that things aren’t always as dark or grim as they might seem.